Multiple Board Time Zones

Time Zones

Each Board can have a different time zone. Helpful for managing projects across different countries or states.

To select a new time zone, navigate to the Board and click on the title.

Please note that time zones can only be changed on Boards with no Jobs.

Navigate to time zone section.

Select the time zone that you want the Board to use from the Board time zone section in the popin. In this case we select (+04) Dubai.

Select the time zone.

Once the Board time zone is selected, any Job start and end times will be relative to that time zone. 

Times linked to time zone.

For consistency across the Platform, times in the Admin and Crew apps will be labeled and linked to that time zone.

Here you can see some examples.

First the Status page.

Status page.

Editing check-outs in Board time zone.

Now the Approvals page for check-outs and timesheets.

Approvals page.

Emails from the system to Crew.

Email to Crew labelled with time zone.

And a final example, Payment Reports and exports.