Downloading Invoices
In the Invoice section you can also select individual or all invoices that have the status APPROVED or are AWAITING APPROVAL and download them as a zip file to your computer for use with your accounting software.
Select and Filter
Click the select boxes of the invoices you wish to download. In the case below we will also filter the APPROVED invoices and select all. We can then click the download icon.
Invoice Section.
Filtering Approved Invoices.
Dialogue Boxes
A couple of dialogue boxes will appear. The first one asks if you want to download the number of invoices you selected? You can then click the DOWNLOAD button.
Dialogue Box.
The second box asks if you want to save them to your computer. Click SAVE and the zip file will be created and downloaded to your computer.
Second Dialogue Box.
Zip File
Open the zip file to access the invoices you downloaded.
Zip File.
Print Option for Downloaded Invoice.