Uploaded Invoices

Submission Types

There are two types of submissions. There are automatic and there are upload

Let's have a look at the uploaded invoices.

Invoice Card

To upload an invoice, a user will click into a NOT SUBMITTED invoice card.

They can see the details of the invoice on the screen and they choose to upload an invoice.

Invoice Card / Upload an Invoice Button

Invoicing Software

They can generate a PDF invoice using their own invoicing software. They can then go take an invoice from their software, upload it and submit that. 

Liveforce only accepts PDF submissions.

Awaiting Approval Status

This invoice will now be set up and awaiting approval status because this invoice could have mistakes in it, as they are manually copying information from Liveforce into their own invoicing software.

So this will appear in the invoicing section on the admin platform with AWAITING APPROVAL as its status.

Awaiting Approval Status.

If we go into the app invoicing section and have a look at the status. It will be set as AWAITING APPROVAL

Crew App Invoice Status.

Once again the same as with the automatically submitted invoices Crew can choose to download that invoice if they choose for their own records or at a later date.