Status Page Editing Data


Admins have the ability to edit the Check-in and Check-out times on the Status page. To edit, click the time or the More button at the end of the row. Any changes made will be carried over to the Approvals page.

Editing Times.

Admin can also clear all Check-in and Check-out times from a Role on the Status page using this menu.

More Button Menu.

Approvals Page

The Role moves to the Approvals page at the scheduled end time.

All Roles that use the Check-in/out feature will be marked with the REVIEW status on the Approvals page along with the Check-in and out times.

Reviews Button - Approvals Page.

Admin can approve or dispute the timesheet as normal.

Reviewing the Timesheet.

When a Role that is set to use scheduled times for timesheets is completed, it will appear on the Approvals page showing the Checked-in and out times and will automatically have a status of APPROVED.

Approvals Page.

Admin can view the timesheet on the Approvals page and make any changes required.

Viewing the Timesheet.

Approved timesheets can then be added to a Payment Report.

Activity Log

All changes to the timesheet, and which person made them, are recorded in the Activity log of the timesheet and can be seen by both Admin and Crew.

Activity Log.