

As an Admin with Owner permissions you'll have access to the Attributes settings.

These settings are used by Admin when creating and staffing Jobs.

To access these Settings navigate to SETTINGS and then select APP SETTINGS.

Settings>App settings.

Under the Workforce header, you will find Attributes.

Selecting attributes.

Attributes allow you to collect more detailed information on your Crew that can then be used as a Requirement on a Role.

Attributes - Crew app.

Any selected Attributes will be a REQUIRED field within the Profile section for Crew.

Crew will need to provide this information before they can submit their invite or application.

Selecting attributes.

These Crew Attributes can be viewed by Admin in the Crew profile on the Workforce page or by clicking on their name in the Job role.

Crew profile - attributes.

Confirmed Crew profile - attributes.

Attributes can be added as a Requirement when creating a Role.

Job attributes requirement.