Fulfilment Methods

There are three main methods of confirming Crew onto a Role. These are as follows:

  1. Book Crew
  2. Invite Crew
  3. Application process

Book Crew

  • Crew are sent an email telling them they are 'booked'. They do not get the option to accept or decline the Role.
  • This method is best if you have spoken to a Crew member and do not want them to reconfirm the booking.

Invite Crew

  • Crew are sent an email asking them if they'd like to Accept or Decline the offer. 
  • Crew Accept or Decline the offer in the Crew App.

Application process

  • There is the option for a Role to be displayed on the Job Board. This is on a per Role basis.
  • If they are displayed on the Job Board then Crew can apply to Roles that they are interested in.
  • Admins can then view applicants and accept the Crew members they think are the best fit.
  • Roles can also be removed from the Job Board if required.