Multi-Day Job Recurrence Creator

Admins can create Multi-Day Jobs by using the Multi-Day Job Recurrence Creator. This works in a similar way to recurring meetings in Outlook or Google Calendar.

This is particularly useful when a Job needs to be created over a longer period of time.

To get started, select a date on the Board. This will be the date from when you want the Multi-Day Job to start. The Multi-Day Job recurrence creation button becomes active in the toolbar.

MDJ Recurrence Tool.

Click the icon and the Multi-Day Job Recurrence Creator appears.

Multi-Day Job Recurrence Creator.

By default the Multi-Day Job recurrence is set to repeat weekly from the day of the week selected on the Board, and end after ten occurrences. 

Alternatively, Admin can select the option to end a Job on a date.

Default setting.

To add the Job to the Board, Admin simply clicks the ADD JOBS button.

Add Jobs button.


Admin can select the Job recurrence to repeat daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.


It is also possible for Admin to use a previously created Single Day Job as the first date in a Multi-Day Job.

Admin copies a previously created Single Day Job and pastes with Crew into the date where they want the Multi-Day Job to start. Admin clicks on the Multi-Day Job Creator tool and the recurrence box opens.

Admin pastes with Crew into start date.

In this case, Admin sets the Job to be created every two weeks on a Saturday and Sunday until the end date.

Admin sets Job recurrence.

Admin clicks the add Jobs button when finished.

Admins adds the Job to the Board.

When Admin creates a Multi-Day Job in this way, Job description, confirmed Crew, location, Crew fees even if changed, supervisors and invitations will be copied and pasted.

However applicants and cancelled Crew will not be.