Access control

Admins with Owner permissions can manage who can view and edit each piece of customisable Data from within a Profile. 

This introduces a layer of safety and security for Crew Data.

To demonstrate, we will use the scenario where Admin wants to control access to the Crews Payment details.

Admin navigates to the Data type that they want to manage.

When the pop-in opens, Admin selects Access control from the sub-navi  dropdown.

Admin has the option to select who can view and who can edit the fields. They can choose from Crew and Admins, Crew only or Admins only.

In this case Admin decides that they want Crew and Admins to be able to both view and edit this field.

A quick visual check in the table under the View and Edit columns shows the Access control selected

Admin next has the option to select which Admin permission level can view and edit the fields. They can choose from All Admin types, Owners and Managers or Owners only.

In this case Admin selects that All Admin types can view this field but only Admins with Owner permissions can edit.

Admin publishes the changes and the Access control as set by Admin goes live.

Now, when an Admin with Manager permissions tries to edit a Crew member's Bank Account Data, they will find the data grayed out and they are unable to change.