How Profiles work

A Crew profile is an individual entity that contains personal data of each Crew member in your Workforce. When Crew apply to join or are invited to your company, they provide their personal information, which is collected and stored in their respective profiles. 

When this data is submitted to the company the Crew status changes in the Workforce page to Applicant or Active depending on whether they applied or were invited. 

Admins need to have Owner permissions to access and manage the Profile section. This is the section where Admin manages the data that is collected from Crew. 

Admins need to navigate to the platform settings. From there, go to the profiles section and select the specific profile that you wish to work on. Once Admins have selected the profile, they click on the 'Data' tab.

Crew data is displayed in a table divided into sections, mirroring what Crew members see in their Crew App.

Each section can be expanded to view the detailed data that you wish to collect.

As an Admin, you have control over the visibility and requirements of Crew data in the Crew app. This allows Admins to customize the experience and tailor the profile data to their company needs.

This also allows companies to ensure that only necessary information is collected for effective Crew management. You can choose to display essential information, while hiding sensitive data, like bank details etc. This ensures that the privacy of Crew members is respected.

Also in the table, Admins can quickly see who can view and edit the data and if conditional logic is applied and what field the logic is linked to.

Admins can review and edit the data within each Crew profile on the Workforce page. You can easily navigate to specific sections and make updates or corrections as necessary. This ensures that the information remains accurate and up to date, providing a reliable source of data for effective Crew management.